CAC: Community Advisory Committee for Multnomah Safe Rest Village

NOTE: While the Multnomah Neighborhood Association (MNA) is neither for nor against the Safe Rest Village (SRV), we want a successful Good Neighborhood Agreement (GNA).

Our representatives to the CAC work to achieve that success.

Latest News

Friday, August 23 from City Shelter Services:

Washer and dryers will be installed next week. The temporary fencing onsite will also be removed.

 Striping (basically the painting of parking lines) started today. Parking in the newly striped area will be permitted by the end of the day.

Updates from our CAC representatives:

The full CAC met on August 22, the first time our reps were able to meet with the other CAC members. There will be a full report at our September 10 meeting, and a summary article in our September Multnomah Messenger.

Community Commentary

May 14 Straw Poll: Should MNA adopt the GNA?
Click Here to read comments from that straw poll.

MNA Representatives and CAC Role

MNA Reps to the CAC

Near Neighbors
Lisa Carney-Fenton
Mark Booth

Farther Away Neighbors
Mary Knox
Paloma Norris-York

MNA Board Liaison (Not a CAC member)
Will Fuller

CAC Members and Responsibilities

The CAC is a standing, collaborative, problem-solving committee that meets monthly.

Its members are drawn from three stakeholder groups:

  • The Neighborhood Stakeholder group, with 4 members from MNA and 2 from West Hills Christian School. Two of the MNA members are near neighbors of the SRV and 2 are from other parts of the neighborhood

  • The City/County team, with one member each from the City Shelter Services Team and the Joint Office of Homeless Services (JOHS)

  • The shelter operator, All Good Northwest.

It is responsible for:

i. Helping ensure that strong lines of communications are maintained between the City, the Operator, and the Community.

ii. Ensure that the commitments in the Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) are being upheld.

iii. Identifying opportunities for greater collaboration among the parties that enhance the benefits of the Multnomah Safe Rest Village for Village Participants and the Community.

iv. Identifying and developing solutions to any problems that are recurring and have not been adequately addressed through the problem-solving communications strategies outlined in the Communication Structure section of the GNA.

Contact Information

Organization/Position Name Mobile # Email

City Shelter Services Team Laudie Porter 503-823-6425
Operator Program Mgr Aaron Forney 971-716-3203
Operator Exec Director Andy Goebel
IRP * General Email
JOHS * Jenny Greenberg
MNA * Elected Position
WHCS * Traci Vogt 503- 977-5523
Mayor’s Office Hendrik Broekelschen 503-823-8582

CAC - Community Advisory Committee
GNA - Good Neighbor Agreement
IRP - Impact Reduction Program
JOHS - Joint Office of Homeless Services
MNA - Multnomah Neighborhood Association
SRV - Safe Rest Village (MSRV - Multnomah SRV)
WHCS - West Hills Christian School
